Air cooling is a process of lowering air temperature by dissipating heat. It provides increased air flow and reduced temperatures with the use of cooling fins, fans or finned coils that move the heat out of a casing such as a computer …
The following python code loops through each line within a file called text.txt and counts all the words, then it divides this count by the number of sentences in the text file. Finally, output the average number of words per sentence.
f = open("text.txt", "r")
all_words = 0
sentences = 0
for x in f:
list = x.split(' ')
all_words += len(list)
sentences += 1
average = all_words / sentences
print("There are an average of " + str(average.__round__()) + " words in each sentence.")
Data center virtualization is the process of designing, developing and deploying a data center on virtualization and cloud computing technologies. It primarily enables virtualizing physical servers in a data center facility along with storage, networking and other infrastructure devices and equipment.
Answer: New Entry
Upon clicking the new entry button given at the bottom we are able to add another recipient in the New Address List dialog box.
The new entry button clears the text fields to enter new details