Las locomotoras, las industrias, y todos los avances tecnológicos que tuvieron lugar a inicios del siglo XX sin duda facilitaron la vida de los seres humanos. Esto es así porque fueron el puntapié inicial que dio origen a la globalización, De esta manera, rompieron con el aislamiento entre las distintas naciones, formando mercados internacionales, redes de transporte y comunicación masivas, y colaborando con el progreso de la salud y el bienestar de los seres humanos a través del desarrollo de nuevos medicamentos, alimentos y otros insumos.
Soviet Union, United States, and Great Britain. Nazi Germany was a part of the Axis Powers.
Doc3 is your first answer
Doc4 is your second sheet
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Bunch of things:
• Europeans brought tons of diseases (smallpox, influenza, etc), which changed the way Natives lived by killing them. Some historians estimate that as much as 80% of North America's Native population died in the 200 years after Columbus.
• Europeans brought new trade goods and resources, like iron and brass and beads. This changed Native economies and modified the ways they conducted warfare.
• Europeans brought horses, which Natives then acquired and quickly mastered. This dramatically changed the balance of power, as tribes who became best at using horses (like the Comanche and Shoshone) rapidly gained power and land at the expense of other tribes.
The answer is: A - In order to make money in Pacific territories and nations.