the production and consumption of food differ because in households people buy and consumer food differently ,some may eat too much while others eat less ,this applies with production throughout the world approximately 255,000 food is being produced and has to be divided and exported to different places to make sure that people have what they need and it enough .what would happen is the production is less than consumption ,people would not be getting enough food to go about life
Knowing the structure of the Earth is important because without the data that the scientists have gathered over time about the Earth's structure, they would not be able to tell when a natural disaster is about to take place and the place where it is going to take place.
Resource Map is a free, open-source tool that helps you make better decisions by giving you better insight into the location and distribution of your resources.
<span>Being one of the greatest mountain range, Himalayas divide mainland China from the Middle East, separating the plains of the Indian subcontinent from the elevated plateau in Central and East Asia. It’s highest peak is placed between Nepal and China which is called Mount Everest - Earth's highest mountain. According to its dimension and the areas which this structure embraces, Himalayas are one of the physical features that keep China as an isolated country.
The Japanese archipelago consists of 6,852 islands but some of them (because of close geographical position and small dimension) are united so that you usually may come across the couple of islands that defined as a whole one. Due to this fact, the most suitable approximate number for this case is 3000, as most of the previous number contains small and inhabited islands.
The climate of Gobi Desert is famous for its rapid and incredible changes of temperature during seasons. These changes are caused by wind blowing from the Siberian Steppes that makes this cold desert totally extreme. The temperature on Gobi ranges from −40 °C or −40 °F in winter to 45 °C or 113 °F in summer. The most unbelievable thing is that this temperature can vary within twenty four hours instead of seasonal periods. So the is 'Extremely cold winters and blistering hot summers'.
Japan is the island nation in Eastern Asia that embraces nearly 6850 islands forming the country. This huge archipelago consists of wide range of small islands including four main ones, which are : Hokkaido,
Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu. Honshu is the the largest island where the capital city is situated.