1. The end of WW1 in 1918 was a time of great social and economic transition that led directly to what amde the 1920s "The Roaring Twenties." Technological advancements, urbanizations and immigration led directly to the social upheavals of the 1920s.
2. The Harlem Renaissance was an intellectual, social, and artistic explosion centered in Harlem, Manhattan, New York City, spanning the 1920s. At the time, it was known as the "New Negro Movement", named after The New Negro, a 1925 anthology edited by Alain Locke.
3. Certain norms of Western middle-class femininity all but disappeared, and women's visible appearance before 1914 and after 1918 markedly differed – with many women having shorter hair and wearing shorter skirts or even trousers.
4. As stocks continued to fall during the early 1930s, businesses failed, and unemployment rose dramatically. By 1932, one of every four workers was unemployed. Banks failed and life savings were lost, leaving many Americans destitute. With no job and no savings, thousands of Americans lost their homes.
Historical Cycle or sometimes a recurring theme
For Presidents’ Day, we need to remember the strong leadership that George Washington gave our nation during the Revolutionary War and afterward, when he became our first president. His integrity and courage in times of crisis make him an exceptional role model for students today.
One neglected feather in Washington’s cap is his commitment to having the U. S. be a financially sound nation. He knew that no nation ever became strong–or remained strong–on borrowed money. Financial integrity and national power go hand in hand. Thus, he committed the U. S. to paying off all debts incurred in fighting the Revolutionary War. When he took office in 1789, the U. S. owed about $41 million in IOUs to thousands of merchants, bankers, and citizens who loaned money to Washington and other leaders for guns, supplies, and food. Sometimes those IOUs are called “continental bonds.” We also owed about $11 million to the French for financial (and military) aid in overcoming the British.
Some American politicians wanted to renege on these debts, or only pay part of them off. But Washington and his Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton recognized that U. S. credit and international integrity could only be obtained by paying back our creditors all that we owed them. Thus, Washington supported a tariff–usually 5%–on all imports, and he supported a whiskey tax as well as the two methods of raising money to pay off our national debt. In his Farewell Address, he urged his countrymen to avoid “the accumulation of debt,” and asked them not to throw “upon posterity the [debt] burden, which we ourselves ought to bear.”
What was the result of Washington’s effort to set high fiscal standards for the U. S.? Americans followed his leadership and usually spent less federal money that was taken in by the tariff and the whiskey tax. In less than forty years after Washington’s presidency, the entire national was eliminated and the U. S. actually (for a brief period) was a nation of surpluses and no debt. We had laid the foundation to become a great nation thanks in part to the excellent leadership of George Washington.
Well back then muslims were not treated like people they were beaten, killed, and people burned down they homes
This was to make sure trade could flow as smoothly as possible. I hope this answer helps!