Because it introduces the reader to a secondary story that is totally relevant to the original story. Without this device, we would lose precious details of the story that the main narrator was unaware of.
Frame device is a narrative technique that refers to the process of inserting, within an initial story, another story. Generally, the objective is to present an introductory story as a way to emphasize a second narrative or a set of short stories. The framed narrative takes readers from one first story to another, smaller (or several) within it.
The importance of this device is that it introduces the reader to a secondary story that is entirely relevant to the original story. Without this device, we would lose precious details of the story that the main narrator was unaware of.
An authoritative parenting is that which is characterized by a high responsability, high responsiveness and high demands. This type of parent take care of the child's emotional needs but still have high standars. Like in the example that the exercise provides: Janet knows his son is tired but tells him to finish his assignment (high standars) and offers her help (high responsiveness) and to sleep an extra hour in the morning.
it is because our mother is the one giving us what we need and our mother is also the best she take care of me and also show love to
The U.S. government uses body mass index to estimate a person's body weight status.
1) Psychological barriers Is
We "tune out" others’ ideas that run counter to our own preconceived thoughts.
2) Physical Barriers
We find it difficult to listen because of impediments such as hearing loss, poor acoustics, or fatigue.
3) You can counter the effects of thought speed listening barriers by: controlling your surrounding.
4) You can improve your listening if you concentrate on what the speaker is saying.
5) From the scenario described
Thought speed
Nonverbal distractions
Faking attention
Are the notable listening barriers.
6) The things that will help the listener mentioned into the scenario to listen more effectively includes to:
Judge ideas, not appearances
Focus on nonverbal signals
Keep an open mind
Control his surroundings