An unruly indentured servant was whipped or punished for improper behavior. Due to poor living conditions, hard labor, and difficulties adjusting to new climates and native diseases, many servants did not live to see their freedom.
rocky mountains, sierra mountains, and appalachian mountains.
In my opinion it would be hard to get used to being at a camp but as the days pass by you will get used to being at it and make friends.
C.Many of our ideas about social manners are based on it.
The Code of Chivalry was part of the lives of people and society during the Medieval times and era,the code was established for knights which emphasise the virtues of courage, honour, and service.However,Chivalry is not a forgotten concept,this acts are been transported to modern times especially during 18-19 century when chivalrous acts such as standing when a woman walks into a room,lifting of hat when men greet a woman or opening the door for a lady were considered as chivalry
Code of Chivalry still affect people today though it just largely incompatable with mostly equality.however chivalry is still acceptable because most of our ideas about social manners are based on it ( respect for one another, equal right, act of being gentleman/lady,honour, and service)