Blitzkrieg is a term used to describe a method of offensive warfare designed to strike a swift, focused blow at an enemy using mobile, maneuverable forces, including armored tanks and air support. Such an attack ideally leads to a quick victory, limiting the loss of soldiers and artillery.
Mary would start with a hypothesis such as, "I believe that plants with no soil will not grow because there are no nutrients coming from the soil for the plant to grow"
Then she would put the plan in place to start her experiment. She will get the same type of seeds, the same amount of water and sunlight. The only difference between the 3 plants is that one plant will have no soil, the second plant will have 1 inch of soil, the third plant will have the correct amount of soil.
She will run the experiment for 2 weeks to see whether the plants have grown and what the conclusion is. She will record how much the plants have grown every day, she will measure the height of each plant.
At the end of 2 weeks, she will gather all her data and come to a conclusion.
1. The Chinese Communist Party and Chinese Nationals worked together as the First United Front.
2. Chinese Nationalsists purged the Chinese Communist Party from their organization, known as the White Terror.
3. The Chinese Communist Party and Chinese Nationalists worked togerhter to deal with the growing threat of Japan.
4. The Chinese Communist Party and Chinese Nationalists wage a civil war against each other.
Manifest Destiny basically mean, "EVERYONE MOVE TO THE WEST NOW!" But with no slaves, how would they create farms to maintain themselves? Easy: expand slavery. However, this was battled against by several sources to create the Compromise of 1850. The compromise delayed the Civil War, despite politicians knowing it will eventually happen. It bought them time-- that was important! Other new states like Nebraska and Kansas were allowed to allow slavery or not. This eventually grew to where the North had no slavery and the South did, which lead to the Civil War.