Not going to write it for you but I'll give you some suggestions
President Trump:
I think Jackson would be mostly in support of the President's base as they largely had support from similar groups. That being said, part of me believes he would be disgusted with the Presidents actions especially when he discusses McCain or draft dodging (Jackson was a war hero- a pointless one, but one nonetheless). However, Jackson himself was a bit of a p***k and racist (small pox blankets), and he hated the media (death of his wife) so they'd probably be best friends.
The Stock market crash of 1929 was indeed the cause of the Depression, as the market crash put Wall Street in panic. Millions of the Stock investors lose it all. The lack of confidence in the situation ceased consumer spending; this resulted in massive layoffs of workers.
Aging populations
The industrialized countries are facing a big demographic problem in the past few decades. The problem is the aging population. The living conditions in this countries are the best in the world, so they have high life expectancy, and while that is good, a problem occurs because the birthrates are very low. The birthrates are so low that they can not even simply sustain the same number of the population. This situation leads to fewer and fewer young people, and more and more elderly people, so the population pyramid is becoming wider at the top and narrower at the bottom.
They provide an in depth comparison between just and unjust laws