The United States became serious about the Space Race when the Russians (Soviet Union) released Sputnik into space
One benefit that chemical weathering has for people is that it helps combat carbon dioxide. By trapping carbon dioxide in the sediment, chemical weathering removes it from the atmosphere. The decrease in carbon dioxide helps counter global warming.
b.placed heavy restriction on the local population; direct control such as in southern Rhodesia
c. allowed the local population to participate in government; indirect control such as Kenya and Uganda,
d.gave the local population no rights; direct control ; such as in South Africa
e.did not give the local population any position in government; direct control
f.forced th elocal population to adopt new european cultures; direct control
a.offered some rights to the local population;indirect rule
Totalizing or totalitarian
The regime of Nuasia is a totalitarian regime. It is not only a dictatorship that has concentrated all branches of government, but it is also totalitarian because it wants to model its citizens after the dominant ideology.
Every single aspect of citizen life is controlled by the government: in education, only materials compatible with the regime's ideology are taught, in political rights, only people who belong to the controlling party can have a political life.
This type of regime is similar to Hitler's Germany, or the current Juche regime in North Korea.