The correct answer is B.. Until then, translations into English were forbidden by the church..
The church deemed that translating the Bible into any language other than Latin, and especially into the common English, was heresy, and it was strictly forbidden and severely punished.
I believe it is the 1st one but may be the 2nd one.
New York environment and natural resources influenced the development of the Native american culture, from before the arrival of Europeans to America, the Native American Indians, already took advantage of nature and enronment to live, everything they learned, used, and were, is part of the culture of the United States today , native americans were hunter-gatherers, farmers, fishers, and trappers, so are the citizens of united states today, our eating customs come from the native indians who cultivated corn, pumpkin, beans and tobacco among other things, they took advanted of their land to feed their people, they shared their space with squirrels, white-tailed deer, raccoon, bear, beaver, moose, and even caribou, some of them were hunted to use their skin to cover them in winter time, custom shared today by all most americans, their houses were made out of trees of the area like poplars, birches, elms, maples, oaks, pines and fir trees, materials used today to build houses.
1. Dinero llama dinero.
Tener cierto capital inicial nos hará más propensos a generar más riqueza.
2. A la tercera va la vencida.
No debemos desistir en nuestros intentos por perseverar.
3. Más vale prevenir que lamentar.
Tomar precauciones es una forma inteligente de evitar males mayores.
– ¡Tamaa-leees oaxaqueñoooos, llevee sus ricos tamales…! – Venta de tamales.
– ¡Tortillaaas, lleve sus ricas tortillas calientitaaas! – Ofrecimiento de tortillas hechas de maíz.
– ¡Llegó el pan, a solo tres pesitos llegó el pan! – Vendedor de Pan.