a caída en picada de los valores de las acciones asociada con el derrumbamiento de la bolsa de Nueva York trae como consecuencia una racha de quiebras de empresas. En Estados Unidos reina el desempleo. La "Gran Depresión", como se le llama, da inicio a una crisis económica mundial. En Alemania, en junio de 1932 hay seis millones de desocupados. Las dificultades económicas contribuyen a un aumento meteórico del apoyo al partido nazi. Como consecuencia, el partido nazi gana los votos de casi el 40 por ciento del electorado en las elecciones del Reichstag (parlamento alemán) de julio de 1932. En este punto, el partido nazi se convierte en el partido más grande del parlamento alemán.Answer:
por que ssiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Statement 1 is false. Representatives in the House of Representatives are determined by population. There are two senators from every state. Statement two would be true.I senators are elected for a six-year term. Statement 3 is true the leader of the House of Representatives is known as the Speaker of the House. Statement four I believe is true because I believe a bill go through the Senate than the House of Representatives then on to the president. Statement 5 I believe is false because a person has to be 25 years old to run for the House of Representatives. A senator must be 30 years old.
Medical and psychological explanations
Many Germans celebrated the fall of the Berlin wall, often quoted as “Was like heaven on Earth” it was symbolic to East and West Germany reuniting once again. East Germany had been a with the Soviet Union and was finally able to find personal freedom and national sovereignty by joining the EU.