Triangle Trade
Please correct me if i'm wrong
I believe Stalin was not being honest because he shows a lack of trust between Churchill, and FDR.
Stalin’s biggest question throughout the war was when they were going to invade France. He wanted them to divide the war more evenly. The longer it takes to make that decision, the more we see a lack of trust between Stalin, Churchill, and FDR. Stalin was not at Casablanca because of Stalingrad.
Four score and seven years ago
Abraham Lincoln started his speech at Gettysburg with the six words "Four score and seven years ago", which is just another way to say "87 years ago".
While there are many policies that he implemented, four policies defined his presidency. In an effort to flush the corruption out of Washington, he established the spoils system. He took a hard stance against Native Americans, forcing them to choose between assimilation or relocation with the Indian Removal Act.
When citizens are unhappy with a specificpiece of legislation they want removed or struck down, they can call a referendum, which puts the issue to a direct vote by the citizens.