The map provides information about the Battle of Normandy, most commonly called D-Day, during World War II.
The Allied invasion of Normandy took place on June 6, 1944. It led to the establishment of the second front in western Europe against the German Reich. The landing, mainly with the help of ships and massive air support, took place mainly on the French coast of the English Channel east of Cherbourg in Normandy.
Troops from the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Poland, France, New Zealand and other countries took part in the fighting.
The Battle of Normandy continued for more than 2 months, with several campaigns to settle definitively in France, ending with the closing of the Falaise bag, the subsequent liberation of Paris on August 25, 1944, and the German withdrawal through the Seine, which was completed on 30 August 1944.
The U.S. and the Soviet Union were in a space race to develop technology to land on the moon 1st. By the time, that John Kennedy declared his plans, in the early 1960’s, to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade; the US was far behind the USSR in space technology. But from a historical perspective, John Kennedy was completely uninterested in space. His reasoning was that the US “had” to strike the USSR to the moon. As the people of the US became responsive that the USSR was out pacing them in technology, which they’d quite well believed that the US was greater in up until that point, sustain for a fully funded space program began to grow quickly. This permitted the support required for the Kennedy and Johnson administrations to virtually give NASA a clean check to fund the space program. Thus making U.S. landed Louis Armstrong on the moon 1st a day earlier.
Social change can cause conflict within and between societies. Social change can cause a cultural lag which leades to conflict. A main conflict is between youth and parent, which is a result of social change.
During the 20th century there was war. This includes World War I. The wars would cause poverty in familes due to the high demand of food and supplies to soldiers overseas. This led to other families fighting for survival.
Jackson introduced policies about universal male suffrage which increased the number of voters. Before those policies, only those who belonged to certain religions or those who were property owners were allowed to vote. After those policies, all men of age were allowed to vote regardless of their religion or their ownership status.