Animals lived in the water during the Mesozoic and on land in the Paleozoic. Animal complexity increased during the Paleozoic while the first flowering plants appeared in the Mesozoic era. ...
The Paleozoic era, not the Mesozoic era, had the first dinosaurs. The first mammals emerged in the Paleozoic era, not the Mesozoic era. The Mesozoic era, not the Paleozoic era, had the first animals with shells.
combustion happens when we dig up fossil fuel and burn it, so when we do that whatever is left goes into the air starting the carbon cycle again
C 9.0 103 cubic micrometer
An independent variable is a variable which change is not affected by that of another variable. By process of elimination you can take out B and C. An independent variable can also change so that takes out A. That leaves D.
an elastic wave in the earth produced by an earthquake or other means.
earthquake, surface
primary wave