Both are methods of viral multiplication inside the host cell.
Lytic cycle (which is more common) includes steps like:
<span>1. Infection of the host cell-virus attaches to the receptor of the host cell, penetrates it and releases its genetic material into the host cell.</span>
<span>2. Virus Multiplication-Virus incorporated its genetic material into the host’s and uses its metabolism to multiply. Viral genetic material replicates separately from the host DNA.</span>
<span>3. Cell Destruction- Virus releases an enzyme that breaks the cell wall from within, thus destructing the host cell.</span>
<span>Lysogenic cycle also includes steps of infection, penetration and incorporation of the genetic material. But, after the virus integrates its genetic material it becomes dormant, letting the host multiple and continue its normal activities. Viral genetic material replicates within the host DNA during the host cell's division, so the daughter host cells are infected too.<span> At some point, the virus is triggered, it multiplies and ultimately, destroys the host cells.</span></span>
The correct answer would be - average 30%.
According to the recommendations of the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR), fat should comprise average 20 to 35% or in average of 30% of the total energy intake each day. The 30 percent of total energy of total energy intake is come from the 50 to 80 grams of fat each day. Chase must have 20 to 35% or in average of 30% of total energy intake.
Thus, the correct answer is - average 30%.
Classification systems previously were having very different goals than modern classification systems. If we look at old eras, scientists like Aristotle and Theophrastus tried to classify organisms on the basis of apparent characteristics, habitat and simple other traits.
Old classification systems had alot of errors and flaws. For example they classified fish and whale in one group because they lived in water, now we know fish is amphibian while whale is mammal.
So we can say that the goal o earlier classification system were just to make groups of organisms on the basis of External features.
Goal of modern classification system:
Modern classification approach was started by Linnaeus. It focuses more on biological delimitation and evolutionary histories than mere external characteristics. It organizes organisms in groups in such a way that grouping reflects their evolutionary relatedness. It is not just specie level but also focuses on sub-specie and population level classification.
Thus modern goal is better in many terms and is more reliable than old classification goals.
Hope it helps!
A. Carbonic acid with limestone