Ghana was the first kingdom to take control of the salt trade.
Each encourages moral behavior, charity and respect for the universe.
While Hinduism is centered around a supreme being, Buddhism and Confucianism are centered around the teachings of a man and Daoism is centered around a concept, the religions share similarities.
That every person is born as equal as another human being. Doesn't matter where you're from, how you look or who you are.
Delegates gave the continential congress, the power to request money from the states make appropriations, regulate the armed forces, appoint civil servants, and declare war.
European countries brought many lands under their control. The world was opened up and new crops were introduced from one land to another. .In the NEW WORLD, many native peoples died because they had no resistance to the European diseases that explorers and crews brought with them.The Age of Exploration had a significant impact on geography. By traveling to different regions around the globe, explorers were able to learn more about areas such as Africa and the Americas and bring that knowledge back to Europe. ... These explorations also introduced a whole new world of flora and fauna to Europeans.
Marco Polo was an Italian merchant, explorer, and writer who travelled through Asia along the Silk Road between 1271 and 1295.James Cook FRS was a British explorer, navigator, cartographer, and captain in the British Royal Navy . Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer and colonizer who completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean that opened the New World for conquest and permanent European colonization of the Americas.
<em>Glory, Gold, and God, also know as the Three G's. Together, these motivations fostered the Golden Age of Exploration.</em>