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Yes, they share the history.
Fifteen-hundred-year ago Christianity is the main religion of African people and with the invasion of Muslims on Africa and conquering many areas, many local people impress from Muslim's behavior and accepted Islam. Christianity was the religion of american people from a long time while it was the initial days of Islam so we can say that Christianity and Islam share a fifteen-hundred-year history in Africa.
Astro Boy, by Osamu Tezuka
D) Mars & Jupiter is correct
Answer and Explanation:
It is true fact that organic matter in soil diminishes with time yet it is unseemly to utilize this information for lab manual since we make heaps of changes to recoup natural issue in the dirt before going for another period of editing. Notwithstanding when the yield is reaped, the buildup of the previous harvest goes about as a natural fuel for the following yield. Here and there when we develop vegetable harvest, it rather adds minerals to the soil.
But if there is comparison between earlier soil and current soil, I figure it would be nearly increasingly precise for the as of late cleared soil since here, we can quantify the exhaustion of natural issue plainly. while the soil which had been cultivated and prepared for horticulture before, there probably come different changes because of enormous number of factors.l