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C. Utrecht Psalter
The Utrecht Psalter is an illuminated psalter from the 9th century, considered to be the most valuable manuscript located in the Netherlands. It was most likely created in France, near the city of Reims.
It is an example of Carolingian art and is famous for its 166 pen illustrations. One illustration accompanies each of the 150 psalms and 16 other canticles. The Utrecht Psalter significantly impacted Anglo-Saxon art, as it was located in England between about 1000 and 1640. The style that originated from this manuscript is known as the Utrecht style.
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: Je __________ à la plage. VAIS
When you look for similarites in two things you read ,you UNDERSTAND , NOTICE Them. example when you read the novels, you WILL ,CAN notice that the setting in the both is Colorado.