Can this match = Stomach hair is responsible for producing belly button lint. "The scaly structure of hair firstly enhances the abrasion of minuscule fibers from the shirt and secondly directs the lint into one direction — the navel — where it accumulates," he wrote. "The hairs' scales act like a kind of 'barbed hooks.
Seating space was available.
Your research made you
change your position.
<u>Solution = Revise your thesis statement.</u>
Your research produced too
many different ideas to
cover in one paper.
<u>Solution = Focus your search on a more specific topic.</u>
Your research produced
information that you
had not considered.
<u>Solution = Add another section to your outline</u>
Your research didn't
produce enough information
to fill an entire paper
<u>Solution = Make your search more general</u>
feels that the rioters are similar to this Shakespearean character.
I did the quiz