A. Smell
B. Touch
C. Taste
D. Sound
E. Sight
Active: Unknown factors delayed the 9:15 train from Pittsburgh.
Passive: The 9:15 train from Pittsburg was delayed by unknown factors.
The sentence is already active. The object of the sentence is ‘the train from Pittsburgh’ and the subject is ‘unknown factors’. The subject of the sentence performs an direct action over the object (delayed), so it is an active sentence. When we give more importance to the object of the sentence it becomes passive, as it is stated in the second sentence: The 9:15 train from Pittsburg was delayed by unknown factors.
Most people disapprove of people who make mistakes or fail to perform important tasks in real life. These kinds of demands are often imposed on government officials, students, friends, and even parents.
Despite having a smaller market, game software has a larger audience. If a new game is published and people find it attractive, they are likely to buy it.
The most logical and safe sounding answer would be BCAD.
Ha is a 10-year-old girl who wants to feel close to her family but instead feels very alone. She has three older brothers, but does not really play with them or feel close to them. In the poem “Kim Hà,” she says her brothers tease her, calling her names like “River Horse.” She says she “can’t make her brothers go live elsewhere,” which makes me think she wants to be separate from them. But then in “Birthday Wishes,”she says she “wishes she could do what boys do.” It’s like she wants to be close to them but at the same time she doesn’t, so she pushes them away. It’s the same with her mom. In “Kim Hà,” she says she still “loves being near her mother” and is always just “three steps away.” But then in “Birthday Wishes,” Ha says she wishes her mother wouldn’t “chide her,” and doesn’t talk about feeling close to her at all. I think she wants to be close to her family but doesn’t know how.