The Missouri Compromise of 1820 involved land gained from the Louisiana Purchase. The Louisiana Purchase was the purchase of land from France in 1803 that consisted of over 530 million acres.
Communism was first developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the mid-19th century.
Hatshepsut was a woman, daughter of Pharaoh Thutmose I. She was married to her step brother Thutmose II, and thus became the queen of Egypt when she was about twelve. Hattshepsut was the longest ruling Pharaoh female, who ruled Egypt, about twenty years in the fifteenth century BC. One of her greatest achievements was the expansion of ancient Egypt's trade routes. Thus Egypt was supplied with gold, wood, ivory, and resin.
It relates to it because there was a plague because of the lyrics, a rosy red rash in the skin was believed to be a sign that you were infected with the plague and a pocket full of posies described that scented flowers were carried and held close to the nose to stave off the smell of death and disease the last line we all fall down supports the believe that at the time death was a certainty
1- Natural Gas Reforming/Gasification
2- Electrolysis
1- Synthesis gas, a mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and a small amount of carbon dioxide, is created by reacting natural gas with high-temperature steam.
2- An electric current splits water into hydrogen and oxygen.