1. Are there "gender roles" here that Jenny and Dave have adopted? (Yes, there are, what are they?) 2. Where do these ideas come
from? 3. What skills could be used here to help both Jenny and Dave? (See Mod. 2, Section A, slide 8 for a review of the Life Skills we have covered.) 4. How do you think this will end and why? 5. If you were the boy/girl, how would this end and why? 6. If you were either Jenny or Dave's parents, would you want to know what is going on? 7. If you were Jenny or Dave, would you talk to your parents about this? 8. If there is a difference between your answers to #4 and #5, explain why.
1) Social equality, harmony are necessary for human health. 2) Public cleanliness or sanitation or hygiene is very important for individual health. Hope this is helpful to you