It is an ideal case of the Neoclassical style. Neoclassical design is a structural style delivered by the neoclassical development that started in the mid-eighteenth century. In its purest shape, it is a style chiefly got from the engineering of traditional artifact, the Vitruvian standards, and crafted by the Italian modeler Andrea Palladio.
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<u>Jazz bands</u>, usually known as the <u>Big Bands</u>, are pre-written music and larger ensembles that were heard during the swing era and during this period, people saw a shift from improvisation to notated.
Midway through the 1930s, a new swing fashion trend began to sweep the nation. People created new dances to go along with swing's driving rhythm, which helped swing gain more popularity.
It is thought that the Swing Era began in 1935, during the Big Band or Jazz Band era, which lasted until 1945. It became necessary to standardize the arrangements as the jazz orchestras expanded in size to prevent widespread chaos.
Swing, the loose-limbed jazz style that was evolving, was characterized by Big Bands that were expertly orchestrated.
Discover the style of jazz that used small jazz bands rather than big bands. It allowed more freedom of personal expression and contained complex rhythmic variety, wide melodic leaps, and regular appearances of dissonance: