Answer: Westernmost point — The westernmost point depends on the definition of "westernmost". If following the International Date Line, it would be Cape Wrangell on Attu Island, Alaska, United States 52°55′28″N 172°28′22″E, or the tiny (ca.
Answer: La Primera Guerra Mundial dejó como consecuencia una gran devastación demográfica y social, así como, una fuerte crisis económica. Desaparecieron cuatro imperios que fueron el alemán, el ruso, el austrohúngaro y el otomano, y se formaron nuevos países, lo que modificó la demografía de Europa central.
constructing roads and highways
The Stamp Act of 1765 was levied mainly at the American Colonists in order for the British to make money off of them. The colonists did not want the stamp act, and stated that it was unconstitutionanal, and became extremely violent. Parliament repealed the Stamp Act in 1766, but passed another one in a different name that includes what the Stamp Act had in it.
hope this helps
The colonists became extremely violent* is key
It used oligarchy, rule by a few.