In 1929 the American economy appeared healthy. For many groups of Americans the prosperity of the 1920’s was a cruel illusion
Bicameral legislature, strong central government were the main part of the Virginia Plan.
The Virginia Plan is also called the "Randolph Plan"
- James Madison who was the America's fourth President drafted the plan and because of this, he was considered an advocate for a strong federal government.
- The details of the plan proposed was that the country should establish a strong national government and bicameral legislature (Senate and House representative) in the newly founded United States.
- During the proposal, smaller states opposed the Virginia Plan because believed they would have less say in government than the larger states.
Learn more about the Virginia Plan here
Terrorists from LIBYA were responsible for the bombing of Pan Am Flight in Scotland in 1988.
The Pan Am flight was bombed on Dec 21, 1998. The bomb was smuggled into the airplane and it exploded when the plane was flying over Lockerbie, Scotland. All the 259 people inside the plane died and additional 11 people were killed on ground when the plane landed on their houses.
Two men from the country of Libya was latter arrested for the bombing.
Possibly because they wanted credit in the eyes of the colonists
Complementary angles aretwo angles that add up to a 90 degree angle. For example a 40 degree angle and a 50 degree angle are complementary because 40+50=90.