Is this the story most dangerous game if so, I would’ve tricked zaroff into a hunting game, just like the one he played with the protagonist but little does he know he will be the one being hunted
The reason why photographers may refrain from photographing animals is due to the fact that it can be dangerous to either the photographer themselves or the animals. For example, cases where photographers will get too close to wildlife (like Tigers, Lions, etc.) resulting to animal attacks. There is also the chance of disturbing wildlife and habitats when going to retrieve images. These are the main reasons why photographers may refrain from wildlife photography.
12 less than twice a number
12 stays the same
every time you say less you put it at the end of the problem
twice a number is *2n
ok now 2n-12 is the correct answer
Figuring out the audience and purpose of your writing can help you determine the angle at which you want to approach your essay/writing. For example, if your task is to write a persuasive essay to a younger audience, it’s vital to know this information so it is understandable to the audience and serve the purpose of the prompt.
I see no picture man how will I know what u mean