I think the word you're looking for is "hypothesis".
For example, a hypothesis could be "dogs drink more often when owners are present".
And then this can be proven (or dis-proven) by an observation (or in this case rather: measurement).
c. We can never observe a necessary connection between events.
According to Hume, he argues that we can never conceive any necessary connection between the events of cause and effect. This is as a result that there is no other impression to which our idea may likely be traced.
So, according to Hume, he believes that when we have an experience of one event that it likey leads to assume an "unobserved" cause.
William Jenings Bryan
By the time of the 1896 election, the american public was divided between people who supported the gold standard, and those who supported the adoption of silver as back-up for the US Dollar. This position was known as bimetalism. William Jenings Bryan was part of the latter group.
He supported silver because it would increase the money supply and he thought that more money in the economy would increase the standard of living. In a way, this is a form of expansionary monetary policy that aims at invigorating the economy by increasing the amount of curreny people have on their hands.
(D) Sophie, who started a student support hot line for students in crisis
Although each of these students has interests, qualities, or knowledge that could be useful, Sophie’s social awareness and service orientation are skills that would help her succeed as a barber.