The Earth rotates around its axis from west to east (anticlockwise).
If these three substances are mixed together with the required proportion, it would yield concrete all the time. Thus, the result is replicable, or repeatable, in future experiments.
The result is not from an observation of the natural world because the three substances were mixed together by man in a lab.
This is true because most dominant parties always win the elections, yes third party candidates always try to prove to the public what they can do, but dominant party always find there way around wining the election due to there dominant force in politics.
Some voters also believe they most dominant party will rig the election and third parties dont have a chance that is why they wont bother voting for the third party because they wont win, actually the third party candidates always made good point in election campaign but the chances for them to win are always slim that is why they are inclined to vote for a dominant party candidates.
natural and modern
A water mill usually had natural stone as the millstone while the modern flour milling uses Emery stones