The answer is below
Following his encounter with the Native Americans in 1501, Amerigo Vespucci, widely known as one of the foremost European explorers at the time, had some beliefs about the native Americans which he later documented in 1502 to be as follows:
1. They have no religious belief
2. The walk around nakedly
3. They have no laws
it is a political cartoon. they're rebelling against something/someone they don't support. It looks like most nation's are there tying America down.
Judicial restraint
Judicial restraint is a judicial interpretation that recommends favoring the status quo in judicial activities; it is the opposite of judicial activism. Aspects of judicial restraint include the principle of stare decisis; a conservative approach to standing and a reluctance to grant certiorari; and a tendency to deliver narrowly tailored verdicts, avoiding "unnecessary resolution of broad questions."
Introduction. Prehistory is defined as the period between the use of first stone tools and the invention of the first writing systems. ... Even if you know tons of things about prehistory, perhaps you have never thought about which language your ancient ancestors spoke.