Pop Art uses iconic people or cultural symbols which can be identified as exactly what they are. Abstract Expressionism is not identifiable as a specific things or object, because it is supposed to communicate feelings. Pop Art usually sends a specific message, whereas Abstract Expressionism is art that is up to interpretation.
So these debates are usually over virtue ethics (basically what you value, how you value things etc.). One debate is between the philosophy of utilitarianism and deontology (consequentialism vs means based). Social problems and issues are often times evaluated under particular values. For (a simple) ex. a utilitarian would value implementing a policy to save the most people whereas a deontologist wouldn’t look to save the most people if it meant infringing on the rights of the individual. So a utilitarian would care more about extinction then the most gruesome possible death of one person. Hope this helps!
<span>En un sentido general, se llama escala musical
a un conjunto de sonidos ordenados, notas de un entorno sonoro
particular (sea tonal o no); de manera simple y esquemática (según la
notación musical convencional pentagramada). </span>