Without the plants and algae trap and stabilize sediment, it erodes. As coral reefs degrade, habitat for marine life is lost and nearby coastlines become more susceptible to storms, waves and erosion. Corals used to form barriers to protect the shoreline from waves and storms. Without the coral reef structure buffer zones, the shorelines are more susceptible to storms, and floods, property damage, and wind erosion. The seafloor itself erodes too. This means that the seas along those coasts have become unexpectedly deep.
kiwi is the national bird of new Zealand
Polar easterlies, westerlies, horse latitudes, trade winds, and the doldrums
A: Frozen taiga
Russia is the largest country in the world, and its land has several different characteristics. One of them though dominates by far, and that is the taiga, which is occupying more area than all of the other biomes in the country combined.
The taiga is stretching across all of the country from west to east, while the rest of the biomes are north and south of it. The land is covered with dense coniferous forests, representing the largest continuous forest in the whole world.
The taiga is not the most pleasant place for living though. The majority of the year is winter, and the temperatures are extremely cold, and in some parts of it they are as low as in Antarctica. There is lot of snowfall, usually several meters deep. The short summers are mild and very humid. Everything defrosts so big portion of the taiga is becoming marshy.