A succession of ocean waves set in motion by a submarine earthquake (also known as underwater earthquake) is called a tsunami. This happens when tectonic plates move, converge, or subduct. Submarine earthquakes are common in Asia where there’s a submarine earthquake zone called Pacific Ring of Fire.
the answer is this will cause the suns rays to go through the earths atmosphere and heat up the planet causing it to become hotter.
we are causing this by our factory's and cars pollution.Causes : chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs), halons, and other compounds deplete the ozone layer.
route to not be a water disaster if the richest man is primitively and jointly of course rain in itself will not immediately solve the problem as the water supplies have shrunk to such an extent that will take a long time for them to be reply insead
Hover for more information. Humans can affect weathering (breaking down of rock/soil) in several ways. Humans cause increases in acid rain and pollution, which increase the amount of weathering agents in the air and water, and then on land The effects of weathering disintegrate and alter mineral and rocks near or at the earth's surface. This shapes the earth's surface through such processes as wind and rain erosion or cracks caused by freezing and thawing. Each process has a distinct effect on rocks and minerals.