Unitary states: "constituent units do not
act independently", "central government maintains supreme
power over constituent units", "France and the People's
Republic of China"
Federal states: "central government shares power
with constituent units", "constituent units can act independently", "Mexico and India"
702? In one day I hate to say it, it's unlikely to happen. Unless you plan to write some unsupported answers. Although you should still try your hardest to get some in. I don't think they will be done to a perfect mark but depending on your time management and motivation. You would definitely need to stay on task and set a certain time for each assignment.
Do not worry about perfection because that might just slow you down.
Assignments are usually certain lengths as teachers assign them to be done by certain days. So this might stress you out. Think of ways to calm this anxiety down. (Listen to calming music, drink water BUT STAY ON TASK)
Really the only advice I can give is to not get distracted ( I know it is hard but think about what might happen if you don't pass..) , focus on your work, and complete assignments early next time. By doing this not only will it relives so much stress, but you can also have so much more free time.
I believe in you that you will get work done. Let me know if you need any help with questions!!
1 Augustus
2 Julius Caesar
3 Contribution is the giving or supplying of something like money or time.
While some people believe Julius Caesar was the first Roman emperor, I think it was Augustus as he transformed Rome from Republic to an Empire. Julius Caesar was a scholar in ancient Rome, he is Augustus's father and the dictator of the Roman Empire.
Woodrow Wilson's attitude toward American entry into World War 1 was that he insisted on neutrality until the United States was provoked by German actions.
God bless!
The discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus in 1492, although unexpected because he had never imagined that there could be a new land in his proposed journey towards the East Indies, had one pretty important reason, and it is told by the man himself in the letter that he sends to the Spanish crown and to his own financial supporter, Luis de Santangel.
The reason for this voyage, and the importance it had for Spain, was that commerce with the Far East, and with India, most importantly, had almost altogether stopped due to the blockade from the Arabs. The desire to find a new way to trade with the Asian continent, bypassing the blockade, encouraged first Portugal, and then Spain, to seek the sea as a means to achieve this. Columbus, an expert in cartography, believed that there was a way to reach India and thus proposed the plan to Luis Santangel and the Spanish crown. He received the go ahead and embarked on his journey. In the letter that he sends back, he clearly states the original reason for the journey, that ended with the discovery of these new lands, which he died believing were in Asia, was the need to re-establish commerce. However, later on he gives the Catholic monarchs, Fernando de Aragon and Isabella de Castilla, another reason to keep on with the project: he stumbles upon Natives, which he calls Indians, who would be open to Catholic evangelization, something that was very much in the heart if the Spanish monarchs. Thus, with these two reasons, more voyages are authorized by Spain, towards the newly found land.