False.the eastern front was between Germany and France.
1. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution - gave Johnson authority to retaliate militarily in Vietnam.
2. Cold War - bloodless conflict between the United States and the Soviets.
3. Marshall Plan- gave financial aid to European nations.
4. Bay of Pigs - the Cuban invasion that attempted to overthrow Castro.
5. Potsdam meetings - determined the future of occupied nations following World War II.
6. Vietnamization - withdrawal of United States troops from Vietnam.
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution gave President John the power to take all necessary steps to retaliate any armed attack by the Vietnamese communist regime against the military of the United States. It aimed at preventing any large scale aggression or damage to the US military by Vietnam.
The Cold War occurred right after the end of the Second World War. It was an ideological conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union. The US wanted to expand capitalism while Soviet Union tried to expand Socialism.
The Marshall Plan was a plan to give billions of dollars as financial aid to European nations which were devastated during the Second World War. The Marshall Plan was also called as the Economic Recovery Act of 1948.
The Bay of Pigs invasion was an attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro's communist regime in Cuba. This invasion program was headed by President John F Kennedy in 1961.
The Potsdam meeting was a conference among the Big Three nations- Soviet Union, Britain and United States. It aimed at determining the fate of occupied European nations after the end of the Second World War.
Vietnamization was a policy which aimed at withdrawing the United States' military from Vietnam and transferring the power of governance to South Vietnam in 1970.
Before the Convention of 1912, Ohioans believed that their Constitution was highly outdated, did not conform to the national standards set by the U.S Constitution and did not respond to the needs of the state in an era when migration was increasing, industrialization was changing the face of the state and urbanization was almost exploding. They wanted a more efficient and less corrupt state government and for this they needed ammendments to their Constitution. In 1912, a meeting began and in the end Ohioans decided not to change the Constitution but to ammend it. They established 41 potential ammendments. Among the changes that were instituted, two stand thus: the first, the legal process now reflected the rights established by the Bill of Rights and that were granted to the accused and the second, the state was given the power to regulate factories and establish the framework under which industries were to word. For example, establishing the 8-hour a day limit for public workers.
2. These changes in the Constitution allowed the state government to act more efficiently and also avoid the corruption that was present before. They allowed the government the power to regulate certain aspects like the labor market and the workforce. It also alligned the Ohio state with the rest of states in the Union.
3. After the Convention, many of the reforms were not accepted, including the acceptance of rights for women and African Americans. But Ohio became one of the first states and most efficient in regulating working conditions for their citizens.
Most of them were farmers.
It was primarily "the recognition of treaty rights" and "Native American self-government" that prompted the Native American Civil Rights Movement, since many Natives were not being respected at all by the US government.