The somatic nervous system is part of the peripheral nervous system. It is major function is voluntary movement of the muscles and organs and reflex movement. During the processing of voluntary movement, sensory neurons which transmit information about sight, smell, sound, taste and tactile information carry impulses to the brain and the spinal cord.
What is the largest sediment that can be transported by a stream that has a velocity of 50 cm/sec?What is the largest sediment that can be transported by a stream that has a velocity of 50 cm/sec?
Sand is the only sediment that could be transported at that velocity as others are heavy to be transported with the mentioned velocity
C because if there isn’t enough of something, more can be added but if there is max capacity, nothing can be added
C. daughter cells from meiosis are not identical from parent cell
O seletor quer saber a ação da pessoa.
O seletor pede que a pessoa descreva como ela se comportaria em uma determinada situação ou trabalharia em um caso, porque o seletor quer saber sobre o comportamento e a inteligência da pessoa para lidar com a situação. o selecionador também quer treiná-lo porque essas situações vão vir na vida profissional dele então ele tem a informação e a experiência de como lidar com isso.