The extended simile in the passage is: As when a circling wall the builder forms, Of strength defensive against wind and storms, Compacted stones the thickening work compose, and round him wide the rising structure grows.
A simile is a figure of speech that compares one thing from another thing of a different kind. It adds meaning to the text because it emphasizes the:
a. Strength of the wall - which is likened to being a barrier that can be used as protection from wind and storms.
b. Size of the structure - which was built with hours of hard work and construction materials that can withstand such great forces of war.
The actions and projects of a permanent government are carried out to the point of letting the permanent government become an inconvenience for the people, which it must represent. This is because the government is a completely corrupt system and can be used to stimulate the creation of conflicts and battles without importance that only bring disadvantages to the population. For this reason, it can be said that the best government is one that governs nothing, but the population is not ready for it.
The above précis was written from the first paragraph of "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" where Thoreau exposes the governments' responsibility and incompetence to really represent the will of the people and not to be inconvenient. It also reinforces the need to allow the population to constantly complain about permanent governance, which promotes an easily corrupt and despotic system.
The part of this excerpt from Homer’s Odyssey depicts Ulysses revealing his true identity to his faithful servants Eumaeus and Philaetius is
His ragged vest then drawn aside disclosed The sign conspicuous, and the scar exposed: Eager they view'd, with joy they stood amazed With tearful eyes o'er all their master gazed: Around his neck their longing arms they cast, His head, his shoulders, and his knees embraced; Tears followed tears; no word was in their power; In solemn silence fell the kindly shower. The king too weeps, the king too grasps their hands; And moveless, as a marble fountain, stands.
For Vírginia Woolf, Jane Eyer's relevance is related to the character's refusal to submit to the standards that English society intended for women.
Vírginia Woolf defended that the narrative proposed by Charlotte Brontë, in Jane Eyre reports the difficulties that women faced because of the way in which English society defines the role of women, in relation to marriage, to studies, submission to the control of their own voda . Vírginia believes that the relevance of this work is established by Jane's refusal to follow the standards of submission and take care of herself, based on her intellect and not on the protection of a man, or anyone else.
Víginia defends the existence of a character, woman, strong, independent and owner of herself, written in a time of great repression against women.