The 21st amendment to the united state constitution repealed the 18th emendment to united states contitution.
The Indian Removal Act was signed into law by President Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830, authorizing the president to grant unsettled lands west of the Mississippi in exchange for Indian lands within existing state borders.
The correct answer is - c. It helped a few African colonies gain independence from their rulers.
The Pan-African Congress was taking place with the purpose of making Africa a free continent, to help the Africans have their own nations, to be free, to have their rights respected. The goal of the Pan-African Congress started to become reality after 1945. Initially few countries gained independence, without bloodshed, with the Pan-African Congress being very influential in that process, which made the organization a reputation as a peacemaker and peacekeeping organization. That initial gain of independence of some countries in Africa was followed by a chain reaction, where one by one, all of the countries in Africa gained independence.
A) Railroads
Railroads helped to transport resources, manufactured goods, and people all over North America, greatly speeding up the industrialization of the entire continent, especially the United States. Where as industrialization previously existed mostly along coastal cities where materials could quickly be shipped to and from industrial centers, the entire continent was now much more easily accessible for this.