Frequent use of metaphors is a key characteristic of the LEARNING PATTERN.
We learn new things be associating them with items that we are familiar with. Thus, the frequent use of metaphors.
Metaphors is a figure of speech that compares one thing to another thing that is completely unrelated with one another.
For example:
Life is a journey.
Life and journey are two things that are unrelated but it is used metaphorically because life can be like a journey because it is process we have to take, Like like journey may seem endless but both have a designated destination.
mains tap water in the UK and Ireland is safe. This will come as a relief to those traveling on a budget, since bottled water is charged at a premium, especially in London.
Jack thinks that because Algernon is eating the bread, he can too.
Haha, this is hilarious! I would totally do the same.
My favorite one is Shoto and I barely started