Old landlords hoard the good, fertile land; freed farmers could grow very little on their new lands.
You wrote the awnser in the question
I do believe John Mayer’s Born and Raised is an example of neotraditional music. Neotraditional music is the type of music that emphasize in a combination of country music and traditional music. In Born and Raised Mayer embraced a more bluegrass rhythm in comparison of anything that he had released in the past. Specifically, the album title track is the most blues song from the entire album. He uses instruments that made the album feel more “Americana” and “neotraditional”.
To go over everything and see your results.
The 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, forced onto the remnant Mexican government, ended the war and specified its major consequence, the Mexican Cession of the northern territories of Alta California and Santa Fe de Nuevo México to the United States.
I would have to say on a small farm. Since they did this with new farm machinery. If this doesnt work Then D. But 100% its A