A. anyone is capable of inventing something useful; they just have to start thinking of themselves as an inventor.
Lewis is a teenage inventor who fist invented a wheeled travois. Her drive was from humanitarian services and her love for Physics. She invented the device to serve Somali refugees in transporting things over a long distance.
Secondly, she has a pending patient for emergency mask pod which is a device that can be used to protect victims of a burning building.
She has the opinion that children should know that invention is not determined by age. To be an inventor, start thinking about what to invent at a younger age. Because at that period, there would be the drive to experiment without thinking of impossibility as an option of the result.
The correct way to punctuate is seen in b: <span>To whom it may concern: </span> In formal settings and when you don't know the exact identity of the person a dresses it is usual to use a colon in this situation.