A form of oppression ........................................................................................................................................
Number 1?
if your looking for a fine cut answer then I would go with Number 1 but in reality none of these answers are correct southerners did not welcome the abolishment of slavery in anyway. While legally slavery was no more it was replaced with other systems like share cropping that continued to oppress minorities, as well as segregated bathrooms, schools and water fountains many minorities found it near imposable to find stable job from discriminative white business owners.
Peace under Tokugawa - True
Conquerors of Korea - True
Replacement of cotton by hemp as the primary cloth used by the Japanese - True
Economic Integration - False
Japan was developed around 30,000 years ago by the people of the area. The people developed their own culture named as Jomon and resided in the area of Asia. There was peace agreement in Tokugawa and this was due to keep the Christians away from Japan. They used to wear hemp clothes which were stitched as aprons, jackets and other protective garments which help them cover their body.
D. Divides Power evenly between the three branches
Life was hard because many southern cities lay in ruins and there where
no jobs around leaving Africans Americans homeless and penniless. Hope this helps