1. High-quality materials
2. Earn money
3. Collect antiques
4. Kitchen equipment
5. Traditional patterns
I would go with default. Dictionary and library do not really make sense in this circumstance. Default suggests a pre-selected option chosen by the database, which makes the most sense in this situation.
They could be friends. Depending on the person / people, they could become really good friends. Of course, if the poor person gets jealous easily or if the rich person is too snobby, it may not work. Despite their differences, they are still people. They, of course, will have very different backgrounds. For example, I was once friends with a "rich" person before. I, myself, have come from a very low place but the person was very kind to me, despite my background. We would have playdates, sleepovers, etc. Although I felt as if they pitied me, they never showed it. I don't know if it was because they didn't want to be mean, or if they just generally saw me as a normal person, such as their self and I think that can show how people of different social classes can be very good friends.
Trying to stay awake to study for her exam, Kate drank three energy drinks.