Though the Declaration of Independence is not a binding legal document it did eloquently express the ideals of the new country, one of which was that the people control the government. This principle of<em> limited government</em> was later incorporated into the Constitution.
The greeks are surrounded by sea, making it easier for them to built fort-based city. This type of city organization of course couldn't be done by the persians that's surrounded by desert. Hope This Helps!
During this time, it was China that mostly remained a land-based empire. This is due partly to the fact that China occupied a large area of land, and didn't need more resources.
Soft money
Soft money can be understood from the sobriquet, 'soft'. It is more or less a paper money. This is a well used fund in varying political circles. Thus, political parties can receive these funds and/or contributions from businesses and/or organization that are not regulated by the Federal Election Commission.
The implication of the non regulation by the Federal Election Commission is that there will be no limits as to the levels and degree of contributions that could be made.
The idea of soft money hinges on a fundamental human rights of free speech. As such, unnecessary influence is often eliminated in a bid to fulfil the rules that apply to such donations. The money are often made to political parties or individuals via direct or proxy routes.