This is not the full question because it is not written what Library community needs so I will give you an example.
Two reasons why your Library community needs a new computer.
- The written letter should have your full address, zip code, the date, and address of the chief. After that, you can start writing something like this:
Dear chief executive,
I am writing to you because there is one thing that our Library community needs at this moment. We need a new computer.
There are two reasons why we need it:
1. So people can see if the library has the book that they are looking for
2. Because of the organization of people who are working here because many of us are going to college and we want to study sometimes after work in the library.
I hope that you will understand.
Your community.
yep, whatcha need help with?
<em>The truth doesn't cost anything, but a lie could cost everything.</em>
<em>- Unknown</em>
The wind whistled in [name]'s ears. He could hear his voice rising louder above the noise as he tried to explain his way out of yet another lie. "But, mom-" "[character's full name], you have to stop telling so many lies! Don't you regret any of this?" his mother sighed exasperatedly. "I- I'm sorry..." "Just like all those other times...!" [Name]'s mother looked him squarely in the face, her eyes faintly wettening. "It's just that - I didn't wanna get in trouble. I mean, I <em>never </em>want to get in trouble-" "And that's why you keep lying." His mother sighed again. "[Name], if you spend all your life trying to get out of trouble instead of keeping yourself from getting <em>in</em>to trouble, who knows how many lies you'll tell? It'll just keep getting worse and worse."
[Name] sighed as he walked towards the town, the mountain air somehow not making him feel any better. He really didn't want to lie- but it was such a hard habit for him to break. It seemed as if for every lie he told, three more came after it, only for him to get in trouble for something else to avoid getting punished for what he actually did- and the cycle continued. It was a never-ending cycle of lies, lies, and more lies.