Spain by "then" will be a depopulated nation dominated by elderly and single people,the country will have lost 5.3million inhabitants, or 11% of the current population, by the middle of the century. If the trends continue, by then the over 65s will make up 34.6% of the population while close to a quarter of a million Spaniards will be over 100yrs old.By that date there will be 1.7million fewer children under 10 than there are now.....
They will have to adapt to climate.
I got it from a Quizizz I think your teacher might of got some questions from there if you want the link just comment and I'll give it to you
The area of square a is 100
anything plus 2 is 49
anything plus 1 is 62
anything plus 7 is 53
and anything times 4 is 63
Hope this helps. Thanks for the points. Have a great day. May it be filled with joy and happiness