End Rhyme
As you may already know, a rhyme is a literary device that allows others to repeat identical or similar sounds in a few words throughout their literary work. This device is used to promote rhythm and musicality to the work.
An End Rhyme occurs when these sounds are established in the last syllables of the lines, as can be seen in the lines shown in the figure above, where the last syllable of the word "bough" (which is the last word of the first line) rhymes with the last dilaba of the word "rough" (which is the last word in the second line).
Information that can be transformed into evidence is when it can be used
to support or refute something. Evidence usually means that it supports
or refutes a case or claim by someone. So in order for the information
to be used as evidence it must be useful one way or another.
1. Locate the thesis of your argument.
2. List each argument with verified evidence/support.
3. Research and Analyze any logic, facts, charts or other data that could be used to support a claim.
4. When writing your thesis, either agree or disagree with the statement.
5. Don't forget to list why! But try to avoid extreme uses of first person. \
6. Cite your sources.
Believing Romeo to be a vandal, Paris confronts him and, in the ensuing battle, Romeo kills Paris. Still believing Juliet to be dead, he drinks the poison. Juliet then awakens and, discovering that Romeo is dead, stabs herself with his dagger and joins him in death.
i saw the play.