California entered the Union and became a free state
The kind believed had the right to tax the colonists, many colonists felt they should not pay these taxes, because they wete passed in england by parliament and not by their own colonial government. They said the taxes violated their right as british citizens. Also by the 1770s many colonists were angry bc they did not have self-government. That meant they could not govern themselvesand make their own laws. Almost no colonists wanted to be independent of britain at the time bc britain provided protection, yet all of them valued their rights as british citizens and the idea of local self-rule.
so they could write letter send back home to England and read those sent back in reply. I think
<em>The Vietnam war was pushed to new limits, Richard Nixon told the people of the United States that they were close to ending the war and wrapping it up. But it was quite the opposite, we were stuck in a war we did not know how to win, with a president who did not understand how to get out of it or win it. We were bombing the Vietnamese daily for no reason, wasting our supply. The American people were being lied to and had to suffer for a term almost.</em>