Patient best shows personification.
I have written a similar essay. Except it was multiple pieces completed by two different artists. I would say start with the intro, then write the similarities in the second paragraph, the differences in the second paragraph, and the conclusion. If you need more paragraphs to reach requirements then do this:
1. Intro: give brief background to artwork and artist and write thesis
2. Similarities in technique
3. Differences in technique
4. Similarities in emotion conveyed
5. Differences in emotion conveyed
6. Conclusion: summarize comparison and rephrase thesis.
*no idea if this answers your question*
Answer: Swimming............
The author evaluates the effectiveness of different types of garden hose. If a hose is more effective, it will surely have more demand and the price of that hose will increase. The author explains the meaning of perceived value since if consumers think that a particular hose is better than other and that will lead to an increase. The same will happen if the peception is bad, comsumers will punish the product by reducing the price.or has. Cultures can affect also the demand of a good or service.Taxes can vary prices. Employment situations affect aslo the prices.