Wrong its actually C. cities restricted the sale and consumption of alcohol.
it is choosing certain animals that have traits that you want to combine to create a better organism and you can be more selective of what the outcome will be.
SCLC ( Southern christian leadership congress ) Helped achieve the first integration of public employees in Oklahoma ( a southern state) after the supreme court ruling on Brown vs Board of education most southern states refused to Obey the ruling. the SCLC employed several tactics and legal proceedings to ensure that colored people where not segregated in public places which includes: schools, places of work, restaurants and public parks. and one way they did that was to stage a 381 day boycott of the Alabama segregated bus system calling for the integration of colored people with white people
The struggle for civil rights by this group and in collaboration of NAACP led to the civil right law of 1964 and this Civil right ensured that nobody would be denied an equal opportunity due to there race, sex or color. at work or any other place .
Historians have long argued over whether East German leader Walter Ulbricht or his Soviet counterpart Nikita Khrushchev was ultimately responsible for the construction of the Berlin Wall. A newly discovered Russian document from August 1961 provides some answers.
Shortly before the Civil War, Rockefeller and a partner established a shipping company in Cleveland, Ohio. The company made so much money during the war. In 1863, he and his partner invested in another business that refined crude oil from Pennsylvania into kerosene for illuminating lamps.