It demonstrated the strength of southern Democrats and the end of Reconstruction.
It happened because the consuls only cared about their own personal wealth and not for the people. The senate got richer and richer while the people got poorer and poorer. It ended with the rise of the Empire and the rule of an Emperor. The disadvantage was that all of the power was in the hand of a single person and often the Roman emperors were tyrannical.
Treaty was needed to serve and satisfy a fundamental need of States to regulate by consent issues of common concern and thus to bring stability into their mutual relations between native Americans and US.
Treaties form the basis of most parts of modern international law. Like International environmental agreements are important because they enable countries to work together to deal with vital environmental issues which are trans boundary or global in nature for e.g. air pollution, climate change, protection of the ozone layer, and ocean pollution.
The federal government in many treaties agreed to guarantee education, health facilities, housing, and other services to native Americans. The United States also agreed to manage and protect inhabitant's resources, such as lands and timber.
In the Spanish Civil War, the Republicans represented the democratically elected government. There was a great conflict between Republicans and Nationalists during the civil war.